Tuesday, November 22, 2016

program java - Java Define (What is Java)

program java - Java Define (What is Java)

What is Java?

Java is OOP language which uses for to create multiple software, website with high fy security.Java Define (What is Java)

Java has three shape

1.       J2SE : is for making  desktop application in java.
2.       J2EE : is for making  Web application in java.
3.       J2ME : is for making  Mobile application in java.

Java Define (What is Java)

Basic Java Program

public class Basicjavaprogram{

public static void main(string agr[]){

system.out.println(“this is first program in java”);



Java Define (What is Java)

Save program in jdk bin folder like Basicjavaprogram.java
1.Go to jdk  bin folder
2.Open Run
3. Type CMD
4. Copy Jdk bin folder path
5. Past jdk bin path in cmd

Just like this

Java Define (What is Java)

1.       Java Introduction program java

Java is a high level programming language, which is used to develop any type of application. Like: desktop, web, mobile and high secure software etc. Java is originally developed by Sun Microsystems which was released in 1995 by Games Gosling.Java Define (What is Java)
Java having its own environment known as Java Runtime Environment (JRE) so that’s why it is also called platform independent language, currently according to sun microsystem more than 3 billion devices are run on Java. Lot of applications are using Java like (desktop, web, mobile, embedded system, robotics, games and etc.)program java
Java is mainly divided into four parts
o   Standalone application
o   Web application
o   Enterprise application
o   Mobile application
                 Java Define (What is Java)

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