Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Java History - Java Programming Language


          Java History, Java Programming Language 

You can see history of Java programming language from here
                      Java Environment Setup,Java History

To access java environment you need following things
  o   Java Development Kit 
  o   Text Editor Like Notepad
  o   Eclipse  optional
  o   Net   Beans  optional.Java History

          Path Setting , Java History

  o   Now assume that you install J D K in C Drive and your location looks like this
  o   J D K Location: C:\Program Files\Java\j d k 1.7.0_80\bin
  o   Right click on My Computer and select Properties.
  o   Click on Advance system Settings link.
  o   Then click on Environment Variable button
  o   Then click on New button it will display a box with two inputs
  o   First Input variable name: write path
  o   Second input variable value: write J D K path (C:\Program Files\Java\j d k 1.7.0_80\bin)
  o   Then press OK > OK > OK.
  o   Now we set Permanent path successfully  .Java History

what is java

Java Programming Language Easy
Save this program in your J D K install directory, as I install J D K in C Drive and my location is 
JDK Location C:\Java\j d  k 1.7.0_80\bin

To run this program open command prompt, go to J D K install directory as I given above then first compile and then run the program
o   For compile type:  java c filename.java
o   For run type:  java Filename.
    Java History

Please see an image below for demo: Java History

JDK Location C:\Java\jdk1.7.0_80\bin

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