Saturday, November 26, 2016

String Object - Creating String object Methods


          Define Methods Strings  

In java String is an object, which represent the sequence of characters or collection of characters. In java string class is used to create Sting object. There are two ways to create String object in java
   o   By literal method
   o   By new keyword
String Object -  Creating String object Methods

Literal Method for creating String object
Literal String is look like same as primitive data type, when we create any String literal then that String reserved a special memory area known as string contact pool.
String Object -   creating String object Methods

String name = “string value”;

New keyword method for creating String object
New keyword String is a non-primitive data type
                String name = new String (“some value”); // constructor

When we declare any object with keyword than it means we are creating constructor (we will have learnt about constructor later). So string is a class and we create its constructor. When we create String constructor then JVM create two object with one reference. As for non-primitive type it will reserve are for memory in HEAP and also at string constant pool.
String Object -   creating String object Methods



In java there are two concepts came with String which are following:
   o   Immutable
   o   Mutable

Immutable String
Immutable string are those Strings which are not changed, whenever we create a string and we want to modify its value, but we can’t modify it original value. JVM create new object instead of change its value.
String Object -   creating String object Methods

Immutable String

Now let understand the above example in details. First I create String literal with reference name and assign value “Smart”, when I combine name reference with other string then JVM create another instance with same reference in string constant pool. But reference variable refers the original value. So, if you want to access the other instance then explicitly assign it.
String Object -   creating String object Methods


Note: here I implicitly change the instance of reference, but still Smart value exist.

Mutable String
The string whose value is changed is known as Mutable String. For creating mutable String Java provides the StringBuffer and StringBuilder Classes

StringBuffer class Example


StringBuilder class example:


Now question is raised that if String buffer and Builder doing same thing than why we need two different classes? If there is any different between both of them? Answer is yes, there is some difference
      1.  String Buffer class is a synchronized class, in this class it is thread is safe and String buffer is less efficient then String Builder. On other hand the String Builder class is a non-synchronized class, in this class thread is not safe and String builder is more efficient then String Buffer.
String Object -   creating String object Methods

String Methods

Following are the String Methods
String Object -  Creating String object Methods

Java String charAt
  o   This method return character at specified index.
  o   It index start from zero
  o   Example:


         1.       Java String Compare To

  o   This method compares two string by its value and return integer value. If values are same return 0,     if first string is greater than second string then return positive number and first string is less than    the  second string it return negative number.


Java String concat
  o   This method combines the specified string with current string variable.
  o   Example


Java String contains
  o   This method returns true if specified value match with current string object
  o   Example


Java String endsWith 
  o   This method returns true if the specified suffix is equal to the current string object suffix
  o   Example

Java String equals
  o   This method returns true. If specified string equal to the current string object
  o   Example


Java String format
  o   This method returns the format of the string as you want.
  o   This method contains two arguments, one is format and second is format value


Java String getBytes
  o   This method returns the byte array of current string object

Java String indexOf
  o   This method returns the index of current string object or character etc.



Java String isEmpty
  o   This method returns true if the current string object is null or its length is 0.


Java String length
  o   This method returns the total length of current string object in number format


Java String replace
  o   This method replaces the old element with new specified element value.


Java String replaceAll
  o   This method replaces all the current string object with specified regular expression. In below example I replace all white spaces with tab.


Java String Split
  o   This method returns the array by splitting the current string object with given delimiter


Java String subString
  o   This method returns the sub part of current string object and its index count start from 0.


Java String trim
  o   This method returns the string with leading and trailing white spaces removed


Java String valueOf
  o   This method returns the string value by converting different types of primitive data types



String Object -   creating String object Methods

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