Thursday, November 24, 2016

loops java - java for do while loops


            Simple Uses Loops 

In simple words loop means repeatation, means when you want that particular block of code run again and again, then for this you have to use Loops. Java support four different types of Loops

·         For Loop
·         While Loop
·         Do While Loop
·         For Each Loop

For Loop
For loop is also called counter loop, this will be executed until its country will become complete.loops java

                For (initialization; testing; increment/decrement) {
                                // body of for loop

According to syntax for loop contain three parts
  o   Initialization: In this part you will initialize initial value of loop, it indicates that from where loop will start You just initialize first value.loops java

  o   Testing: In this part loop will check either condition is true or false, if condition is true then control will go into body of loop and then on third part

  o   Increment/Decrement: when body of loop execute after testing condition will become true then control go into increment/decrement part, this part either increment the counter or decrement the counter depends upon operator which we use

Note: Initialization part will execute only once in a program, after initialization part the testing and increment/decrement parts will repeats until condition become false. loops java



While loops java

While loop will be executed until a condition is true, whenever condition become false it will stop its execution

                While (testing) {
                                Body of while loop
While loop depends upon its testing condition, until condition is true it will execute, when its condition become false it will stop its execution.loops java


         Do-while Loop
 Do-while loop is work same like while loop but do-while loop will execute once, either condition is true or false.

                do {
                     do while loop body
                } while (testing);



For each Loop
This loop we will discuss later.

Break statement Loops java

Break statement is used only in loops and switch. Break statement is used for break the current flow at specified condition.loops java

Example:  in this loop I gives an condition that if I value equal to 5 then break the loop.


          Continue statement
Continue statement is used only in loops, its job is to continue the loop flow and skip the current task

Example:in this program I set a condition that when I equal to 5 then continue means when I value become 5 it will skip it continue the loop.loops java


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