Monday, November 28, 2016

input and output stream - input and output (I/O)

          Functions Input & Output  are used to process produce

In java input and output are used to process some input and produce output on the base of given input. When we talk about input and output the java provide the stream concepts which is better for fast performance of input and output.input and output (I/O)

Basically stream represent the flow of water but in programing stream means sequence of data or flow of data. Stream is composed of bytes.input and output (I/O)

input and output stream -  input and output (I/O)

Types of Stream
There are two types of stream in java
o   Byte Stream
o   Character Stream

input and output (I/O)

Byte Stream
The byte stream handles the input and output in bytes. There are two types of byte stream

Types of Byte Stream
There are two types of byte stream in java
o   Input Stream
o   Output Stream

Input Stream

In java input stream is an abstract class of stream which is used to read the data from source. The source may be a file, array, socket, etc. Input Stream is further categorized into the following
  o   File Input Stream
  o   Sequence Input Stream
  o   Filter Input Stream
·         Buffered Input Stream
·         Data input Stream

Output Stream
In java output stream is an abstract class of stream which is used to write the data to a destination. The destination may be a file, array, socket, etc. Output Stream is further categorized into the following
  o   File Output Stream
  o   Byte Array Output Stream
  o   Filter Output Stream
·         Buffered Output Stream
·         Data Output Stream

File input Stream and File Output Stream
In java file input stream and file output Stream is used for file handling, through these two classes you can read and write the data.

input and output stream -  input and output (I/O)

Example of File Output and Input Stream

Output Input Strem

Byte Array Output Stream
The byte array output stream is used to write the data into multiple files. When you want to write same data in different files then Byte Array Stream Output is best.

Sequence Input Stream
The Sequence Input stream is used to read the data from multiple files. When you want to read data from different files then Sequence Input Stream is best.input and output (I/O)

Example of Sequence Input Stream

input output java

           Buffer Input and Output Stream
The buffer input stream and buffer output stream, these both classes are used to internal buffer to read and write the data respectively. This internal buffer make performance fast.


input output stream buffer

            Data Input and Data Output Stream in Java
Data output stream class is used to write primitive datatype data into the file. It provides the different types of method to write respected primitive data. Same way the data input stream class is used to read the primitive data from the file.
input and output (I/O)



Now above we discuss all byte stream mentioned topics now we are going to discuss the character stream
input and output stream -  input and output (I/O)


     Character Stream  Input and Output in Java
The character stream handles the input and output direct in characters. There are two types of character stream.
  o   File writer
  o   File reader

File Reader and File Writer
In java file reader and filer writer classes are used to read and write the data from files respectively
input and output (I/O)

input and output stream -  input and output (I/O)

 Java Read Input from Keyboard
When you want to user interaction with your application then you need to process some inputs which will be given by users during running the applications. So, for this purpose java provides some built-in classes that will take input from users. Following are the classes which are used to take inputs from users
o   Input Stream Reader
o   Console
o   Scanner
o   Data Input Stream

Input Stream Reader
Input Stream reader class is used to read the data from keyboard for this Input Stream reader first collect the stream then convert these stream in bytes using Buffered Reader class.


input and output stream -  input and output (I/O)

       Console  Java Input and Output

Console class is used to read the data from keyboard but console is not support by IDE for this you have to use CMD to aware with Console environment.

In java the Scanner is most popular class to read the data from keyboards. It has primitive datatype method to read the respected primitive datatype value

Scanner Class Some Common Methods 
String next()
it returns the next token from the scanner.
String nextLine()
it moves the scanner position to the next line and returns the value as a string.
it scans the next token as a byte.
short nextShort()
it scans the next token as a short value.
it scans the next token as an int value.
long nextLong()
it scans the next token as a long value.
float nextFloat()
it scans the next token as a float value.
double nextDouble()
it scans the next token as a double value.


input and output stream -  input and output (I/O)

Data Input Stream
This is also used to read the data from keyboard, for this class you have to use checked exception otherwise you will get compile time error.



                                        input and output stream -  input and output (I/O)

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