Tuesday, November 22, 2016

platform independent - Java Platform Independent

           Features of Java

Following are the features of java  

  o   Simple: java syntax is very simple and easy to understand
  o   Object Oriented:Java is fully Object oriented programming language, because when we create any software in java, then java organized that software as collection of different Objects.
      Platform Independent Future

  o   Platform Independent: Java gives 100% guarantee that write once and run anywhere. Because it has own environment known as Java Run time Environment (J R E)

  o   Secure: java is more secure language because in java no explicit pointer and java programs can run into/inside V M (virtual machine).

  o   Portable: java is a portable language because Java byte code can be run in any platform

  o   Robust: java is robust language means you can identify error on compile time and also in run time.
  o   Architectural-neutral: After compile java code, class file generated by JVM, which is known as Class file, and class file can execute any processors.Platform Independent Future

  o   High performance:java having high performance, because java file first it converted into byte code and byte codes is close to native code which processor understand, also know as class file. 

  o   Multi-threaded: thread is a part of program, more then one programs which run at same time to help developer to make smooth application features. 

  o   Distributed: Java provide this distributed feature, this feature help to access file by calling the method from local machine on the internet.

     Platform Independent Future

  o   Dynamic: java is considering as dynamic language, due to high performance .
     Platform Independent Future

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